2018 Taranaki Wave Classic 19th to 22nd October

The 2018 Taranaki Wave Classic will keep up the long tradition of running over New Zealand Labour long weekend. Friday 19th October is a warm up day with the main competition days being Saturday and Sunday. We have been getting great interest from overseas for the event. There are also rumours of top international sailors getting visas and booking flights for the event.

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Event photos posted

Check out https://www.facebook.com/taranakiwaveclassic/ for photos of the event.

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TWC 2016 is HERE!

The event is almost ON! Registration checkin begins Saturday 9am at the Carbon Art factory in Okato (12 Upper Kaihihi road), followed by briefing at 10.30.  With a good looking day for ‘Warmup Friday’ to get you in the mood, we’re ready for another cracking weekend of windsurfing FUN! Remember it’s not too late to enter online, and you can also enter on the day at registration. See ya there!

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Taranaki Delivering the Goods

In Taranaki we know a new season is really kicking into gear when we start seeing Aucklanders out at Pungarehu, so congratulations Tony for his mission down here, when he scored some of the best early season conditions, near the end of September. Nice timing, and for the locals too; a week with 5+ sessions at Pungarehu in consistent half mast to logo waves is great in its own right. Hope the ankle is OK Tony! Waitara has also been providing some super fun powered sessions recently, with head-high and over waves and these look set to continue; this is all boding well for a classic TWC! Long...

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Mystery Guest coming to the TWC!

We have confirmed rumours that a mystery guest will be coming to the Taranaki Wave Classic! Who could it be? Any ideas? We’ll give you a clue: they windsurf and are in the photo! 😉 Free cold one at the beach to the correct guessers  

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Site updated

We’ve updated the site to include all the old Taranaki Wave Classic reports. So click on round the History reports and find out about some of the previous waves, shenanigans and hijinks that have occurred over the past years!   And in case you missed it, don’t forget to SIGN UP HERE as pre-entries will soon be closing and you’ll miss out on the exclusive event goodies!          

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